Tuesday, February 9, 2016

A College Team With 4 Runners Under 3:59 For The Mile!

With 4 runners from Georgetown under 3:59 in the mile last week, that makes a team with 4 runners under the "magic mark" in the same race.  A rather incredible feat.  And I really hope they continue to perform all the way through the indoor and outdoor season.  Will we see an attempt at the Collegiate 4 x Mile at Penn (which race is being run this year?) or maybe even an attempt at the WR??? (Cumulative 15:52.4)

Ahmed Bile leads.

World Record:
4 x Mile+ 15:49.08 Ireland Dublin, Ireland 8/17/85
(Eamonn Coghlan 4:00.2, Marcus O’Sullivan 3:55.3,
Frank O’Mara 3:56.6, Ray Flynn 3:56.98)

Collegiate Record:  

 [America CR 16:15.14  Oregon  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  4/24/10
(Mac Fleet 4:03.3, Michael Maag 4:04.1,
A.J. Acosta 4:02.5, Matthew Centrowitz 4:05.2)]

4 x Mile+ 16:03.24 Oregon Eugene, Oregon 5/09/09
(Matthew Centrowitz 3:59.53, Andrew Wheating 3:59.60,
Shadrack Biwott' 4:05.20, Galen Rupp 3:58.91)