Sunday, March 20, 2016

Alumni Singlets Are Everywhere

Another 25 Alumni Singlets are making their way to Penn State Track and Field Alumni (Golfers), making the total number more than 200 spread out across the globe.

Thanks for this goes to our Le faucon d'orange Mark Hawkins.  He does all the legwork, purchasing, arranging for the screenings, shipping etc.  He gets paid slightly less than I do, which is nothing.  So when you see him at the Alumni Reunion and Coach Groves Golf Tourney, be sure to say "thanks" Be sure to wear yours to the Alumni "Run" on Saturday Morning at the Reunion.  And realize that your teammates from years past, and from every other era of PSU Track, are the finest people this world makes.

Bill Malchano previously wore a borrowed Alumni Singlet for a marathon, and I think today may be his first with his very own!  Bill is one of the very first Alumni Golfers, lured to State College by Founder Clark Haley in May of 2002.