Wednesday, March 23, 2016

It's Hot Dog Season

Baseball season is upon us.  And that means hot dogs are back in season too.  I always have a hot dog at a Baseball game no matter what else I'm eating. Go to the left sidebar and let me know your favorite hot dog condiments.

Pittsburgh's Original Hot Dog

The best MLB hot dog I have ever had was at Opening Day Yankee Stadium in 1983, when Billy Martin started his last stint as Manager and Joe DiMaggio threw out the first pitch.

The worst hot dog I ever had at a MLB game is a tie between Toronto and Boston.  Both were flavorless, limp,lifeless and gray, like biting into a piece of tofu that was nastier than usual.  Otherwise, Boston was splendid, the way a Ball Park should be.  The Stadium at Toronto is an afront to all that is Holy about the game (see Ken Burns videos and Field of Dreams).  Baseball should never be played indoor or even in a stadium that CAN be indoor. The fans at Toronto were equally horrible.  A noisy bunch next to me were taunting Raul Ibanez the whole game with racist and filthy chants.  I became a fan of his when he hit a towering Center Field home run in the ninth inning to win the game.  The blast hit the hotel in Center Field.  That's the famous one where the couple were engaging in intimacy on world wide television without realizing their window wasn't one-way!

Recently, my hot dog of choice was threatened with extinction.  Jimmy's in Easton PA was undergoing a long-standing battle between the 2 long-time owning families.  One of the families actually goes back to the founding in 1908.  The place was auctioned off recently and bought outright by one of the families and will continue operation as it always has.

Jimmy's, Easton PA
The secret is the dill pickle spear, never relish.

And another dog of choice has been on my mind recently. The Original ("Dirty O") at Pitt has a terrific red hot we have discussed before.  It turns out that our Chief Laundry Officer has never had one despite being a burgh native!   I will have to take him there for a treat and be sure to make him NOT order a large order of fries in the back!

The Dirty O near University of Pittsburgh

Small order of fries with cheese and brown gravy. You must buy these in a separate area.