Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Hills Were Alive With The Sound Of Sophomores

The post from the 1978 NVTC Marathon brought Official Physicist Brian Boyer out from his lair in the land of edelweiss and Ahhnold.  He brings us this great pic of 3 Freshman Sophomores at the 1977 XC meet at hilly Belmont Plateau! (I even knew that 1977 was MY Freshman year yesterday, but when I got up this morning I forgot!)

Updates via Facebook:   1977 AAU meet at Belmont Plateau was the day before the NCAA Championships in Washington.  The top 7 were there.  The rabble still won the meet at Belmont and traveled to Berwick for the Thanksgiving Day run after.  I ran the Millersville Turkey Trot and had my second best race ever (by IAAF standards). I also won a turkey randomly!

Kelly O'Brien, Ray Krombel, Brian Boyer.
And because Brian was injured and didn't run that 1978 NVTC Marathon he ran this recent race sporting his Alumni Singlet!