Friday, March 25, 2016

The Muse On The Trail

Rob Whiteside, our Roaming Corespondent and Muse, is currently somewhere on the Appalachian Trail(Much of what is written here on the blog with it all is for his amusement.)
 He is three weeks into his Through Hike from Georgia to Maine.  This has been planned for quite awhile, and he is accompanied by his Daughter the Elder.

He relates this is the hardest thing he has ever done, and I believe him.  He has already experienced 18 degrees on several nights in the Smoky Mountains along with some heavy storms.  And the whole time he is accompanied by hikers much younger than he is.

He relates that he is eating like he did at age 15 and has still lost 15 pounds in 3 weeks.  His feet and knees hurt, but states you "must embrace the pain and suffering".  Even though only 1 in 4 hikers attempting the Through Hike actually makes it, I'm betting on him.

Blood Mountain

Georgia/North Carolina border.