Sunday, March 6, 2016

Time To Make The Donuts

It is what I mutter every Monday morning as I head out to the salt mine for another week of work.  But really it's time to fill out the form for the 15th Annual Coach Harry Groves Golf Tournament and the Penn State Track and Field and Cross Country Alumni Reunion.

This form will soon be available via email, snail mail, Facebook, Twitter BUT it is here on the blog with it all first.  Go ahead and click on it, print it, read it and fill it out and send it in.  We want the largest contingent of alums ever this year!  The team will be in town, Coaches Groves, Schwartz and Jordan will be with us, as well as all the current coaching staff and many members of the team.  This is the year, this is the time. Support the future of Penn State Track and Field!