Thursday, May 19, 2016

Airship 800U Christened

This is always my "one day off" every year.  I take the day off and make it up to State College to chill before the Reunion and Golf Tourney. 

I figured I better take the drone out and get it ready for the Alumni "Run" at the track because I had the time.  That will allow me to calibrate the compass and GPS systems.  And if the forecasts are correct, I may not be able to fly on Saturday anyway!

And lo and behold, who do I see at the track when I arrive but two of our Alumni Group working out on their own in their quest for post-college glory!  Steve Waithe was raking his own pit and Owen Dawson was clicking off a few intervals.

I took a few pics of the surroundings and flew the bird to the limit of 400 feet to look around.  All systems are go!

Steve Waithe.

Nittany Mountain will be conquered by my dog Pooky on Saturday.

Steeple pit is empty!