Tuesday, May 17, 2016

At 42 Cents For Each, It Still May Be Too High A Cost

 "Aw, rat farts!"
-Bishop Fred Pickering.

I finally checked to see if my golf clubs were still in the garage (they are!).  And whether or not it was infested by stink bugs (it isn't!).  And that it isn't being used as a varmint nest (it isn't!).  Sofar, so good.

But it still is behind a bunch of other stuff and I will probably barely remember to get them into my car for the ride to State College for the Reunion and Coach Groves Golf Tourney.

Since I routinely lose more than a half dozen balls on the course, I would rather not use the same balls as real golfers do at about $3 or $4 each.  I usually buy "refurbished" golf balls for the event, but this year I went all out and bought 2 dozen NEW ones at Walmart!  $10 for 2 dozen is still stinging to my wallet, as I might as well open the bag and dump half of them into a Mountain View CC lake and then just drive around in a golf cart making fun of everyone else instead of actually trying to hit that damn little white ball with a crooked stick!

Wilson "Extra-Distance" - The White Castle of Golf Balls.

And did I mention that we could use a few more golfers for the tourney?  

With the weather looking dicey for Saturday, all you golfers need to act like a boy scout and BE PREPARED.  And if the weather closes the course, the Idiot Officers Group will be convening for the first time ever to find an alternative activity.  Post season Womens Lacrosse?  A conquering of Mount Nittany by all of us?  A decathlon in the Indoor Complex?  Who knows what the mind of Clark Haley can come up with?