Saturday, May 7, 2016

I'll Bet The Deadline Isn't Real

There is less than 2 weeks until the Penn State Track and Field (and XC!) Alumni Reunion and the Coach Groves Golf Tournament in State College.  And while there was a deadline for receipt of your entry form on Friday, you can still come and enjoy every bit of the fun! No one will be turned away and we are always looking for additional golfers (and duffers!).

There is something for everyone:

  • Friday night reception at Inferno on College Avenue 6:30P to 8:30P.  And of special note for long-time attendees, THERE IS OPEN BAR. Imagine that! Come meet some of the best people on Earth and be there for Clark Haley's "The picking of the foursomes!"  What form will this take this year?
  • Probable Bar Crawl following the reception.  I have only heard stories about the shenanigans.  My bedtime precludes this!
  • The Alumni "Run" at the track  Saturday 9:00AM.  You could run a campus loop with an Olympian or just stand around eating donuts with Coach Groves or anything in between.  Coffee and stickies will also be available to fortify yourself for the rest of the day.  The first official flight of Airship 800U has been approved to bring everyone first hand pics and videos of the event.
  • There will be Tours of the Sports Museum and the 8th Annual Climb and Conquest of Mt. Nittany on Saturday for those not golfing. (you know it's a requirement on the bucket list for Nittany Lions, don't you?)  Join my dog Pooky for her 5th in-a-row climb and check out the unique wildflowers before she either eats them or pees on them!  12:00P or thereabouts on Saturday.
  • The Coach Groves Golf Tourney  11:00A at Mountain View CC, formerly the Elks Club, starting with the putting contest.  This is the premier event of all.  Duffers and pros alike are welcome. Spectators are welcome too.  Come and watch all the action from the 10th tee and 18th green with Coach Groves and the Video Archive Goddesses.
  • The Awards Dinner at the Ashenfelter Track  6:30P  A buffet dinner with available wine and beersClark Haley will do his impression of Shecky Greene and I will introduce "The Rusty Boot Award", the highest honor of all for a PSU Track/XC Alumnus.