Saturday, June 25, 2016

A Bad Start In The Land Of Limited Internet!

I have missed 2 days in a row of blogging, which means I have dropped to the lowest levels of  page views in years.  This coincides with the start of my long-deserved vacation and the first ever excursion of the rolling blog flagship RV "Podd 2"

This has not been a smooth start, and I spent all day today at the service center getting things fixed after pleading and begging last night to be seen today.  The fine folks at Keystone RV in Greencastle PA are to be commended for getting everything back in order and possibly salvaging the rest of my vacation in wild, wonderful West Virginia.  I hope to actually bring some Track and Field in the next days!

Artist's Conception.
Update:  All is well.  I'm back up and ON VACATION!