Sunday, July 31, 2016

Our Big Guys Are Good Guys

Penn State's 2 2016 Track and Field Olympians both have fan bases that go beyond their sporting lives.  And both credit their parents for instilling the qualities in them that the rest of us are celebrating.  Having met both, I am impressed and proud to share PSU roots with them.  Exactly the kind of feelings we hope to enhance by inviting everyone in to Penn State Track and Field Alumni (Golf) Group.

We have a chance to help Darrell Hill get his father to Rio to watch him compete.  I will add my modest monies to the effort, and I hope others here can too.  

GoFundMe for Darrell Hill's Dad!
UPDATE:  SUCCESS! (with a fair amount of support from our group - including Joe Kovacs himself!)

And Joe Kovacs loves his Mom!  Probably the finest thing you can say about anyone.  His mom, Joanna Kovacs is one heck of a woman and should be made a Coach on the Olympic team.  Heck, I would even make her the relays coach.  Maybe the US could use her steady hand for the passes we can't quite seem to get right!