Thursday, August 18, 2016

Olympic Update And Opinion On A New Addition To The Next Games

Darrell Hill failed to make it out of the Prelims of the Shot Put in Rio just a while ago.  While this must be extremely disappointing to him, I do think that the Shot Put has a very deep field this year.  My hat is off to him for the tremendous season he has had.  He possibly has a few more meets in Europe to come???

Joe Kovacs was one of only 6 people to auto-qualify for the Finals tonight.  Some big names round out the other 6 spots to make it to the requisite 12 finalists.  Go Joe!


Darrell Hill USA    19.56        18.99       19.56    19.50

Joe Kovacs USA    20.73 Q      19.59       20.73    -

And my choice for a new Olympic Sport for the next Games in Tokyo is Buck Buck. Possibly we can eliminate Rhythmic Gymnastics?