Tuesday, August 2, 2016

This Olympic Scam Won't Work On Our Big Men

Rio may end being a very unique Olympic experience for all of us.  Between not being prepared, national bankruptcy, a sewer for competition, and crime at an all time high, some bad things are bound to happen.

But this scam that snagged an early arriving Chinese hurdler probably won't work on Darrell Hill or Joe Kovacs.  Only an idiot would try.

And here's Cas Loxsom speaking about his Olympic Trials disappointment and the ridiculous waterfall start of the 800M Final, something none of the runners had experienced since high school.  He makes no excuses, but does point out the obvious incongruity and unfairness of the decision.  It turns out that 6 coaches were protesting right up until the gun and the runners only learned of the unprecedented start when they were on the track warming up!  Our USATF "betters" can't get anything right.