Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Coach Harry Groves Spiked Shoe Invitational

Don't forget to get your orders in for the store!  It closes in 9 days!!!!

It was a pleasure seeing so many friends at the Meet today!  Let me try to name as many as I can...

  • Coach Harry Groves
  • Coach John Gondak
  • Coach Bill Whittaker
  • Dan Curran
  • Laura Loht
  • Owen Dawson
  • Isaiah Harris
  • Elyse Skerpon
  • Steve and Beth Shisler
  • Dave Felice
  • Artie Gilkes
  • Greg Fredericks
  • Tim Backenstose
  • Nick K.
Daughter the Elder, Pooky and Coach Groves.

Photo by Daughter the Elder.

Photo by Daughter the Elder.

And there is one person I expected to see but didn't.  Roger "Gunny" Roll was involved in an automobile accident after having dinner with Coach Groves and others last night.  He did not attend the meet, but is said to be banged up "just a little" and did not go to the hospital. He won't be using that car again, as both were totaled.  If you know his history and service to our country, you can understand him trying to avoid a hospital trip.  Everyone keep him in your thoughts and prayers. There is no one quite like Gunny and PSU T&FXC owes him a debt of gratitude beyond measure.

The Women dominated the meet, while the Orangemen of Syracuse ran away with the Mens title.
Airship 800U did indeed see some action, but I did not push things to the limit.  I have some aerial shots of both starts and action from the Womens leaders at 4K and the Men at 7K.  It was fun flying the bird on a hot day in State College.


  1. I really enjoyed the drone video. Amazing perspective. Well done!

  2. Loved the video and soundtrack, Dave!!
    Surreal and ethereal...(without any beers!)


Thanks for commenting. Keep up the good work! (Try to mention others to encourage them to comment too!)