Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Stop Clowning Around And Get To Physics Class! We Are Now # 8 And Need To Act Like It

Back in the olden days before the internet, and just after color was invented, Penn Staters had to settle for really lame Halloween hoaxes like everyone else.  Like the time it was rumored that Jeane Dixon, a "famous astrologer" had predicted a murder at a high-rise dorm at a large Central Pennsylvania University.  No one fell for it, and it garnered just a few chuckles in the Collegian.

But nowadays, those same really lame hoaxes can reach millions instantaneously and cause 6,000 or so to line the streets or even possibly riot!  Well, nobody got hurt and there was no property damage, so rioting may be a little over-the-top.  But then again, there wasn't even an Evil Clown to begin with.* Get it together you youngsters!  Just admit it that you don't want to study and have way too much time on your hands...

And for those who want to increase your knowledge of the world around us, and possibly even get in on the inside jokes from Sheldon and Leonard, I have a download for you cell phone right here!

And the PSU Women have moved up to #8 in the USTFCCCA rankings!  They return to action on Friday at the Penn State Open.  There may be an Alumni team there, but alas, no drones that I know of...

* Besides, the scariest Stephen King novel was Pet Cemetery.

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