Thursday, July 20, 2017

Back To School

As all hands are on deck at Blog Central preparing for the final push to fully fund Coach Groves Scholarship, thoughts wander to the upcoming school year and new Cross Country and Track seasons.

When I ventured into Walmart over the weekend, I encountered the back to school displays and my thoughts sauntered to my Freshman year in Happy Valley.  Thinking back, I am happy that I entered directly into a Universe that I was comportable in, and somehow they accepted me with open arms. Thank you to all my friends at Penn State Track Alumni (Golf)!

This is a group pic of the Alpha Delta Phi Brothers of Dartmouth University sometime before Sophomore initiation in 1959 1960, the real Animal House.  Included from left to right in the back row, Stork (a Phi Beta Kappa played by Doug Kenney in the movie), D-Day (Bruce McGill), Boon (Peter Riegert), Bluto (John Belushi), Hardbar (Chris Miller), Otter (Tim Matheson).  In front, Hoover (James Widdoes).  Notice how much each of them looks like the characters in the movie!  Except for Otter, I guess.

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