Friday, September 22, 2017

I May Throw My Lot In With The Canines Instead

The story of the Mad Pooper is not unique.  This has occurred many times before.  The advent of security cameras has taken it to another level, though.

A Colorado Springs woman (I know I'm treading on thin ice with this, as who knows which of the 42 genders ze may identify with!) has been pooping on lawns during a morning run for several months now.  She has been confronted more than once and managed to run off.

My experience with this sort of thing tells me it is a combo of 1) physiologic need 2) psychological animus and and 3) mental illness, to some degree.  It will not turn out to be a comedic item, for the late night talk show hosts to fully exploit.

The Mad Pooper.
This kind of thing begs the question, Are dogs better than people? 

I find these dogs to be the epitome of what most of us can aspire to on this planet.  Evil, the dog on the left has saved numerous lives following the Mexican Earthquake.  Frida, on the right has saved 52 people from the rubble.  And all they get is a biscuit and a scratch behind the ear.  Thanks to KKOB for this Mad Pooper alert.  We may have to explore some of our stories similar to this in the future.  We all have them!

Evil and Frida.

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