Thursday, October 12, 2017

There Should Be More College Dual Meets

Our great friend from Hawaii and the University of Michigan, Jonathan Cross, recently posted these pics of a 1975 dual meet between the Nittany Lions and the Wolverines in Ann Arbor. College Track and Field needs more dual meets today.

Included in these pics are shots of Jonathan and Mike McGuire, who I met at last year's Big Ten Championships.  The Wolverine Track Nation is reeling from the news of U of M great Bill Donalkowski's serious illness.  I assured Jonathan that I would have all of our Universe say a prayer for Bill and all his friends and family.

I'm hoping Jonathan will get back to me on his acceptance of a friendly wager on the upcoming Michigan/PSU football game!  Maybe a photo in the opposing team's logo or possibly a food item indigenous to our locales! (not sure how chicken-corn soup or Hog Maw would play in Hawaii!)

I think this is Jonathan and Mike chasing George Malley, who they did not catch that day!

Coach Mike McGuire with a 10K runner before the Big Ten Finals, 2017.


  1. That's a long way to drive for a dual meet! Don't disagree with the fact, though; more dual / tri meets would be nice. Always felt there were enough high-powered programs in PA that it would be nice to have a sort of all-PA meet, especially in XC. Ohio does something like that, and if they can get it together, then PA should be able to as well. Trophy would be a PA turnpike sign mounted on oak.

  2. The winning team should win EZ Passes for everyone. Screw the NCAA.


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