Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Another Great Blast From The Past ("Before They Invented Color" As Daughter The Elder Always Put It!)

The World's Best Track and Field Museum (aka Mike Fanelli's Garage in Northern California) has released another oldie but goodie related to our Group.

This black and white pic from the Olympic year 1976 shows Dick Buerkle and Bill Rodgers duking it out in the lead of the Penn Relays 10K.  That Thursday night must have been a doozy!

Lurking back in fourth place in the pic is the eventual winner of the race, our very own Greg Fredericks.  It is unfortunate that he suffered an injury leading up to the Trials that year, as he seemed to be on track for an Olympic berth.  (Fredericks 28:24.6, Buerkle 28:26.4, Rodgers 28:33.6)

Also in the mix that night are some notable names mentioned frequently on the blog, including Bill Donakowski (29:13 10K) from Michigan (RIP), group friend Pat Davey (28:29.2 10K) from Tennessee and our very own Charlie Maguire (29:22 10K) and Paul Stemmer (13:55.6 5K).

An Administrator here at the blog with it all points out that the Interns missed another PSU Alum!  And it was a big error this time!  The 45.0 split of Mike Sands to anchor the 4 x 400M for the New York Pioneers.

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