Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Penn State Track And Field Alumni Golfers Promoted!

Not me.  I'm still a lowly regarded employee at my own business. But I'm really better at it than I am at golf...

Ryan Foster and Jess Riden (both Officers of our group!) have been promoted in the Track World.

Ryan Foster was named Assistant Coach at Tennessee, joining former Coach Alford-Sullivan at Rocky Top.  He takes his numerous Coach of the Year honors at Division II Edinboro and his wonderful wife Kara Millhouse south of the Mason-Dixon Line.  Our Tennessee friend and All-American, Patrick Davey is delighted.  He also joins Assistant Coach Steve Waithe. The Orange is starting to get a little more Blue, isn't it?

And Jess Riden has stepped up at Stanford to Assistant Athletic Director!  Congrats.

Both have golfed in our Golf Tourney and Ryan was able to pull off the "Adam Sandler" tee shot better than anyone among us ever has.

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