Sunday, May 20, 2018

The Times, They Are A Changing.

The Alumni "Run" was sorta kinda a bust this year.  Multiple forces conspired to make things that way. Apologies all around for the problems.
  • For the first time in our 17 years (except last year's hosting of the Big Ten Championships), the track was locked up tight.  Never expected that.
  • Hastings Road was torn up and that made our usual parking area unavailable.
  • The team moved their practice time back an hour to take advantage of a break in the weather.
  • It rained the whole time.
But five hardy souls still managed a campus run, and the rest of us were ushered into the Indoor Track at 10:00AM to meet some of the athletes moving on to the Regional NCAA Championships.

Now what do I do with 4 dozen donuts and a nearly full "Box of Joe" still buried beneath my golf clubs in the back of my car?

In honor of Horace Ashenfelter.
Better luck next time.

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