Saturday, March 30, 2019

Disappointed In Not Receiving The Invitation To Hell On Earth

I am disappointed.  But Ron Moore is way more disappointed than I am.  I was actually somewhat prepared for the ordeal, but Ron was really well prepared for much, much more.  One hundred (thirty) miles in the most rugged terrain in America with no help except between each of the 5 loops in less than 60 hours.

The start.

The Barkley Marathons participants are "out there" now.  I suppose that means 39 people are somewhat lost in the woods and all are hurting somewhat.  If you aren't familiar with what it means to be a Barkley runner, you had better brush up.

Let's let Ron refresh us on the Hell that is Barkley...

The race started at 9:23am this year, one hour after the blowing of the ceremonial conch shell.  The race usually has 40 runners, but a last minute drop-out (a big no-no in the Barkley world) meant that the next runner usually gets a chance.  The "weight-list" included a no-show at #1 and Ron Moore at #2!  He would finally be in!   But wait....

Lazarus Lake.
Race organizer and omnipotent Lazarus Lake has made up a new rule that excludes last minute entrants, and despite widespread opposition, ruled Ron out.  With typical Nittany Lion grace, Ron took the news with dignity, despite having prepared monumentally for the chance and being logistically ready to run.

I was only minimally disappointed in comparison as I was to be part of Ron's support crew for the race.  He contacted me this week that he would likely not be getting in this year, and not to make the 10 hour drive to rural Tennessee for the weekend.  I was originally goint to bring my small camper (Podd 2.0) to the campgrounds to help.  But in another recent Commandment, Laz has banned RVs from the starting area.  Oh well, I can tent too...  Which I will do next year to support our Erwin Shroedinger Endowed Chair of Advanced Physics.  I will be meticulously prepared and I know Ron will be too.  That is, if I don't apply with my Press credentials to cover the whole race for real!

Podd 2.0

Six seconds too late after 60 Hours.

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