Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Brave Souls Put It All Out On The Track

These guys all braved the 48,000 spectators with each of them nursing the minor injuries that life brings.  The Penn Relays Masters 40 and Over 4 x 400M relay!

They are looking for more runners for next year's race in order to field 2 teams.  Time to start training.  And there are 50 and Over and 60 and Over divisions as well.  Just in case...

It was a tough day.  Windy and we all limped to the starting line.  Lots of excuses, but I will tell you this.  It is absolutely awesome to run around the track at the Penn Relays.  Even with my hammy screaming the entire 60 seconds, it was just good to be out there.  Attendance on Saturday was 48,000.  We can get multiple teams in there so if anyone is interested in racing next year, let me know.  You have a year.

Goal time next year is 3:50 or bust.


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