Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Memory Lane: Part 1

Thanks to our Course Marshall, we have pics of every Coach Groves' Cross Country team through the ages.  And since I have been posting sparsely this year, it seems that they would make an easy post that everyone will enjoy.

So here's Coach Groves' very first Cross Country team in 1968!

My notes: (please add your own!)
  • Great benefactor and York County native Dick Geiger looking good!
  • Coach Groves looking youthful, but serious.
  • Steve Gentry with a mischevious grin!
  • Long-time Lock Haven Coach Jim Dolan as Assistant Coach (Freshman Coach)
  • Assistant Coach Warren Coleman (PSU's first ever African American Coach!
  • I didn't see group member Phil Peterson at first!!  Sorry about that.

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