Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Running In The Rain

Spent last weekend in Cortland NY for Daughter the Younger's track meet.  Her event was the last on the schedule and the rain held off until just as the event was to start.  During the 3rd leg, the sky opened up and poured rain like I have never seen before.  Meanwhile, Daughter the Younger was handed the baton.  The next several minutes were the definition of "deluge".

The only 2 teams who were left at the stadium were Daughter the Younger's  Hartwick Hawks and the powerful St. Lawrence team coached by Kate Curran.  Weird how circumstances still permit frequent meetings of Penn State Track Alumni (Golfers)!

Kate Curran with backpack and umbrella.
It is especially weird that 3 of the 4 owners of PSU Track Alumni rainjackets were at the meet.  Me, Gary Black and Kate Curran.

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