Tuesday, May 28, 2019

They Chose To Climb

In the early 90s, I had the opportunity to visit Zermatt, Switzerland for 2 days.  It was a good trip, even with the migraine headache from altitude and the fog-enshrouded Matterhorn, which I never did see.

I saw the town's cemetery, where many are buried who didn't quite make it to the top and back.  The best epitaph I saw was "He chose to climb", which echoes all the statements from relatives of deceased Everest climbers lately.

But these hardy climbers DID make it to the top and back (of Nittany Mountain!), renewing and strengthening the tradition of Penn State Track and Field Alumni (Non-golfers) started by Spouse the Better some years ago.  They have augmented the festivities by inaugurating the certification of success with a signature on a special t-shirt just for the bestest among us!

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