Sunday, September 15, 2019

Just About Everyone Other Than Coach Groves Thinks This Was His Best XC Team

Coach Groves had a sweet spot for the 1979 XC team that finished third at the NCAA Championships.  The 1980 XC team also finished third, but was only 1 point out of second.  That was his best XC finish of his 38 year PSU career.

Several Group Officers have come to the conclusion that Coach slightly preferred the 1979 team solely because of the captain that year, "Noisy" Jim Clelland.  I'm not sure about that but we all certainly love Jim. It was great to hear from him recently after a few years and his southern move.

Nearly everyone else feel that this 1980 team was the best team of the Groves era.  I'm not going to argue, as I love both of
those teams. What a wonderful team to be a part of. (sic)

The principle scoring runners were a powerful collection of all American born and raised, regional talent.

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