Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Ron Moore's Lego Minifigure Is A Metaphor For All Of Us

Why would a grown man play with Lego?  Why would he represent real people in miniature toy fashion?  Why would he forsake the real world for a world of plastic (soon to be plant-derived plastic!)?  Take a look around.  We all have real problems and dilemmas on a daily basis.  This is just a way to bring a little mirth to the situation.

But by doing so, I hope to highlight an Alum and his extraordinary accomplishments, as an athlete, a scholar and as a man.  Ron Moore is a thankful fan of what Coach Groves gave to him, just as I am.  Many of us were given such a gift, even those who were not directly coached by him.  All of us are better off because of the Program legacy Coach Groves helped create.  He helped all of us to climb mountains we never thought we could scale.

Here's Ron Moore in training for the Barkley Marathons, to be held in Lego fashion only this weekend.  He is at the top of Rat Jaw, one of the more famous climbs in the Frozen Head State Park.  This is a powerline-cut over the top of a mountain.  Notice that it is cleared.  But what you don't notice is that the first plant life to return once a forest is cut is the briars and thorns.  Now imagine running up this on a night without a full moon.  Or worse yet, running down this at night with only a flashlight or headlamp!  Don't forget those extra batteries too...

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