Monday, August 16, 2021

Founder And Keeper Of The Beer's Weekend Highlights

 Just to add to Dave's comments, we shared a few laughs Friday night at the welcome reception. Highlight of the evening was Sheri McCahill winning the Toyota - wait toy yoda! Prepped it early in the night indicating we had an anonymous donor of a ToyYoda (pronounced toyota in southern Ohio!) who donated this to Coach Gondak but Coach was unable to accept because of compliance issues so he asked that it be raffled off. The letter from the anonymous donor indicated that it was used, but just cleaned, and was sitting out in front of the hotel earlier in the day if anyone noticed it. Donor also agreed to pay for trailoring and shipping if the winner wasn't local! It was pretty hard to hold back the laugh when the number was chosen during the raffle and the picture of the donation was exposed - below (bad joke, but it was a good laugh)!


 Saturday's Events, again just to piggyback what Dave had mentioned earlier, started off at the track with the new "numbnutz triathlon" (replacing the heart attack run - for legal reasons!). Greg Fredricks won the hula hoop roll (Mark Fuller DQ'd on a technicality but worthy of an honorable mention!), Kevin Fuller won the staggered triple bean bag toss and I think Ryan Foster won the Joe Kovacs miniature marshmallow shot put spin spit with Steve Balkey taking the overall title in a spit off. Charlie Hull gets an honorable mention for a spectacular third spit, regurgitating the marshmallow on the spin and letting it fly - pretty gross but man was it funny to see (especially after we didn't have to perform the Heimlich maneuver). Needless to say, that event will probably join the heart attack run as a shelved event going forward... There were a number of folks that hiked mount nittany (basically for Hanna's (Humphrey) sake to see if she could rekindle some long lost infatuation with some Grizzly Adams dude (which rumor has it, they actually found his place of residence). Trip to the sports museum was in the mix somewhere with that group and some awesome pictures of the group are to follow (help me out here Greg or Hanna!). The Golf outing was a rough go for some of us after a STRONG Friday night of crawling (whew, and every year I claim I'm not doing it again next year...). Steve Brown and his two son's with John Flayherty took the title with (-5). Seems we're getting better as a whole as my team was the only one over par (+1) - that, or as Harry Groves would say " there are alot of cheaters on the course!" Saturday night's dinner was started with Vivian's (Riddick) presentation honoring Coach Schwartz and it was very well put together and the highlight of the night. Viv attempted to big screen the zoom call (as she linked in a number of folks) but the AV techs weren't able to help us so those attendees were on the laptop screen and unable to see the clowns in the audience unfortunately (great job Viv!). There were a number awards given from the day's events and we totally messed up the numbnut award by giving it to Che Arosemena (who threw one of the bean bags from the trip toss event into a puddle of water behind the target) when it truly should have been given to Dave Baskwill for forgetting the coffee and donuts Saturday morning at the track! Speaking of Baskwill, he nominated Ken Brinker for the illustrious "Rusty Boot" award in recognition of his continued philanthropy to the program - Kudos to Ken!


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