Friday, November 12, 2021

Updates From All Over And A "Save The Date"

First up:

Our Chief Laundry and Morale Officer facilitated reception of the news of another Ohio Big School XC title for Coach Tom Rapp's team.

That's 3 titles for teammate and classmate Tom, 2008. 2014, 2021!

And I can deduce that each and every "kid" who Tom coaches is much better off for his tutelage. From the initial meeting and run we had together, it was obvious he had great things ahead of him. Despite having a personality not completely in line with Coach Groves, the no-nonsense old school methods molded Tom and the rest of us into people able to handle most every situation ahead of us.  

This year's high school team probably garnered extra rewards of wisdom from Tom, as he describes them as a unit of good, solid runners, no superstars.  The top two finished 19th and 20th. But they had by far the best 4th and 5th men. They had a 1-5 spread of 28 seconds, with the 6th man 2 seconds behind that.

All in all,  it was a great lesson for the kids on how to win as a team. Society will see dividends in the years ahead!


Colin Abert toed the line at the Road US Championship 5k in NYC the day before the NYC Marathon. He came in 22nd overall with a time of 14:18.


The Executive Committee meeting of the Officers of the Group convened and chose the dates for the 2022 Reunion and Coach Groves Golf Tournament.  This will be the 20th anniversary of the formulation of this whole shebang, and you better SAVE THE DATE!!

So set aside May 13th and 14th, 2022. (Each year will alternate between May and August)

We will be going all out for this event and you won't want to miss it.  Adult beverages, camaraderie with old and new friends, mediocre golf, AND LIVE MUSIC FROM PROFESSIONALS!  Stay tuned... 

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