Tuesday, September 13, 2022

A Jerry Rigged Solution Of Sorts?


Next year's Boston Marathon will feature a choice for non-binary runners for the first time.  Qualification standards will use the Female category times.  Runners will have their own Non-Binary Division results compiled.

The just completed Frederick Mile used similar standards and allowed non-binary runners the choice of running in the Male races or the Female races with results not scored in those categories, but all being scored in the Non-Binary category.

This seems as ideal a situation as can be currently attained.  The NCAA will probably not use this standard and will continue to inflame everyone, simply because they can.  Pending legislation to include non-binary standards in Title IX could change all of this as well.

Future Philadelphia Distance Run races will even offer prize money that is equal in Male, Female and Non-Binary categories, which will probably enhance the numbers of non-binary runners in their races.

Jury-rigged v. Jerry-rigged.

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