Thursday, January 15, 2009

Great Performances #5, #6 and #7

Yeah, that's right, three at once!

First up, its James Carney. Despite only one year of eligibility at Penn State following his Division II exploits at Millersville University, James endeared himself to Coach Groves as if he had the seven years of eligibility of Gary Black.

James has since gone on to astounding heights (or is it speeds?), garnering 6th in the 10,000 meter Olympic Trials and 14th at the Olympic Trials Marathon this past year. His personal best of 27:43 is high on the list of all-time performances nationally. I have a profound respect for anyone able to improve their running after college, and James hasn't peaked yet.

But his great performance recognition isn't for any of these races, its for one he ran while at PSU. James relates that he credits the increase in mileage that came with his intro to Coach Groves as one of the important turning points in his career. When I asked James about a story concerning Coach, he told the same story coach told me about James. At the indoor IC4A Championships, James was dueling with a "stud" from Georgetown, who fully expected the title. When James nipped him at the finish after a prolonged duel, the Georgetown runner was seen lying on the track beating it with his fists! Coach came over to James with a smile and said "I love you, James." And I agree, any time a Georgetown runner is seen beating the track in frustration, I love it too.

Next up is Velveteen Playboy Paul Souza. His great performance is for getting second place in a indoor meet high jump despite not jumping again after landing outside of the pit. It hasn't hurt his voice however. I hope to include video of lead singer Paul in action soon. Really quite impressive. I'm wondering if we'll have to pay him to golf with us in May.

And last, but not least is Mark Heckel. The only person other than Mike Reid to be a track alum AND a music major is Mark. He also was in the Blue Band all four years while at Penn State, and was a group captain in the band for three years, something of a record. His great performance is not for anything related to track and music, however. Despite his indoor weight throw and hammer exploits, its another thing that endears me to Mark. It's for NOT abusing me as a 110 lb. freshman living on the same dorm floor as me freshman, sophomore and junior years. (Irv Pankey would always bring his girlfriends around to "come see this skinny guy". He would then demonstrate how his thigh was bigger than my chest, and everyone would have a big laugh.) Mark was known as "Beef" on our floor and so I never tangled with him. He might not have noticed if I did!


  1. I almost had to wrestle Pankey one year in intramurals. Fortunately, he was disqualified since he had been on the varsity team the year before! I wound up making the finals, only to lose to another football player by something like 6-3. Irv was OK, and besides, we had enough skinny kids to abuse other than Dave!

    And to top it off, I caught hell from Gary Schwartz for wrestling!

  2. Irv was great. One of the greatest things I have ever seen was Irv Pankey sliding down the sudsy/flooded hallway of our dorm stark naked one day. I'm pretty sure Mike Munchak was there too, but the sight of Irv is burned on my retina. He also used to borrow my backgammon board to impress women!

  3. Malmo tells me that Paul Stemmer also reached the finals in intramural wrestling. He showed up for the match wearing a cape and Zorro mask!


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