Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Where Haven't I Run

By the results of the poll, 4 of you care where I haven't run and I might have thrown a vote in there too. I can't remember. So to end the suspense, here goes.

1. Everyone knows I ran at Rec Hall, I've mentioned it numerous times. The worst (and the best) place I ever ran.

2. When adopting my daughter Anne, I ran in Kunming, China. Nestled in the south-western "hills" of China, it is perpetually Spring there. Rarely goes below 40 degrees and above 80 degrees. The altitude there is a healthy 8000 ft. You can definitely notice the difference.

3. The IM Building "track" is actually worse than Rec Hall, so I take back the previous statement. Ran several miles there while in high school during a snow storm. Not pleasant at all.

4. Never got to run in London. Had a trip planned there but there was a death in the family as I was leaving for the airport. (Yes JS, I actually can fly when necessary!)

5. I ran at Graceland in 1985. I actually peed on Elvis's lawn through the fence. Heard a similar story about someone who did that at the White House. Figured the only way to outdo peeing on the president's lawn was to pee on The King's lawn. I'm actually a big Elvis fan, I'm sure he's peed there too.

6. Ran in Zermatt, Switzerland while visiting Gary when he lived in northern Switzerland. Although within feet of the base of the Matterhorn, I never saw it. It was in fog the entire time we were there.

7. The Clinton's ruined three of my vacations in Martha's Vineyard. The security detail would bring 75 White Ford Explorers over on a hijacked ferry every time they decided to go there. They also trapped me at the airport because they were late leaving Washington. My sister had to sit on the runway for hours until they arrived. Met Van Johnson there, who was waiting for someone else stuck on the runway. Ran on the golf course and got a glimpse of Bill teeing off on the second hole. (Probably took one of his mulligans.)

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