Thursday, January 8, 2009

Murder on the Express: EXTRA COVERAGE!

A 20 hour train ride has me here in Orlando to watch Sunday's marathon. I know you were all worried about me, but I am fine. Even the streak continues! We rode The Silver Star, not the Silver Streak. (We took the Silver Meteor back. Meteors are faster than stars, it was only 18 hours this time.)

The train would be excellent except for:
1. Nervous smokers at every stop clamoring for the exit.
2. Elderly men with dementia traveling alone.
3. Elderly women with dementia traveling alone.
4. Snorers.
5. Cadavers with oxygen tanks and wheelchairs.
6. Entire families of 4 generations yabbering loudly in foreign tongues.
7. CELL PHONES (but I know I'm alone in this one).
8. Elderly men with prostate problems.
9. 2-year-olds with clueless parents in their teens who think a future "time-out" is punishment.
10 schizophrenics traveling alone with their meds in the checked baggage. (not kidding)


  1. take the train to/from new york a couple times. mornings are mildly amusing, but the NJ crew getting on for the commute home is worthy of a few blog entries...

    why didn't you drive or fly, pray tell?

  2. The Amtrak organization and the trains were actually great. It's the people ON THEM that are the problem!

    I like to say we did it as an adventure. After the more than 24 hours at airports and on planes to get to China to adopt Anne, I said I would have to be forced to fly again. I'm getting close now!

  3. sorry, used "crew" for the group of silly passengers commuting home to NJ, not the amtrak "crew"

    24 hrs to china isn't that bad. it took me 18hrs to get to las vegas this spring, without a single canceled flight...


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