Saturday, January 10, 2009

Trapped Like a Rat

Here I am, stuck in the "happiest" place on Earth. I guess I am uncomfortable being happy. Surrounded by all things Disney gives me the willies. But then again, I don't have to board a bus at 3:00 AM to make it to the start of the marathon. I'll leisurely jog 3 miles or so while Barb slogs away at the 26.2.

Addendum: The winning time was 2:20! My Marathon PR would have placed 10th out of 22,000 runners! The race is filled with multitudes who WANT to run a 6 hour marathon! Goofy is what I call it. (Although The Goofy is what they call those that run the 1/2 marathon and the marathon on back-to-back days.) Barb  finished below her desired time despite wearing an off-loading knee brace on both legs. The compression tights she donned after the event allowed her to walk all day in The Magic Kingdom after the race. Nearly miraculous I may say.


  1. Dave - when I took my kids to Disney for the first time I had the same feeling! It's like everyone who works there has been injected with a happy drug. I think I've spent too many years near Philadelphia. Larry

  2. But is he an Iggles fan yet?? I have survived Disney with little damage to my psyche and only moderate damage to my net worth. They have learned in the past 12 years to have jogging trails to prevent some of that "trapped like a rat" feeling we all get.


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