Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Anonymous Benefactor

An unsolicited parcel arrived on the doorstep yesterday. With no return address, and no other markings being present, Homeland Security (my dog Spot Moskiewitz) sprung into action! Despite his growling and general uptight demeanor, I opened the box anyway. Inside was 500 blue "Penn State Track Alumni Golf 2009" tees for use at our Tournament on May 30.

Whoever our benefactor is, Thank You! You can rest assured we will use them to slice and hook our way through the tournament without resorting to scavenging the tee boxes for suitable "not broken too much" specimens. I will henceforth deem our benefactor, "Deep Turf". May he/she be blessed with straight and long shots forever more. (Except on the closest to the pin hole, I'd like to win that one.)

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