Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Number of Great Performances

There were many great performances over the past weekend and I will try to recognize some of them.

  1. Greg Fredericks '72 organized the Team Run at 8:30 AM (or so!). He also climbed Mt. Nittany as part of the non-golfing activities. He then came to the golf course and acted as our Course Marshall, Hole-In-One Observer and Golden PutterAattendant. He was aided and abetted in these tasks by Gary Gittings '74. His wife Anne then brought chocolate-chip cookies to the Shisler Shindig! Quite an undertaking for one day. (Greg, GOLFING WOULD BE EASIER!)
  2. Kevin Kelly O'Brien '80 won for "shot of the day" by hitting a shot exactly perpendicular to the intended line of flight. Not since Leon Woolford won for the directly backward shot has the laws of physics been bent so much at our tourney. This shot almost decapitated Judy Lynn Weaver's head, by the way.
  3. Gary Black '82 '84 '86 clawed his way back to the Champion's Foursome after unrelentingly complaining about the "picking of the foursomes". This came less than one year after having both hips replaced. Now he's thinking of having other body parts redone to stay "on the Cup" for years to come. I recommend replacing his medulla oblongata.
  4. Bob Hudson '84 drove Coach Groves around all day without golfing. This is a feat that boggles the mind. We may need to reimburse him for therapy.
  5. Five Runners from the top 18 finishers of the 1979 Penn Relays Marathon golfed in the tourney. (Tim Backenstose, Dave Spears, Doug Kent, Don Ziter, and Dave Baskwill)

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