Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Cheryl Spring (s) Into Top Ten in "Kallee Forn Ya" Also

Cheryl Spring ventured to the far coast also this past weekend, and like Tyler McCandless, came away with a PSU Top Ten performance.  Cheryl ran 34:31.75 to put herself in 7th all-time, right behind my contemporary Peggy Cleary.  The race saw the collegiate record fall to Iowa State's Lisa Koll in 31:18.07.

And entries for the Reunion Weekend and Golf Tourney are ahead of last year's record pace.  Representatives from all decades from the 60's on will be there.  The 50's remains a possibility!  Recent grads will be there in increased numbers. Women will be represented in record numbers also.  (Remember the new Kathy Award)  There may be a very special guest this year to honor Coach Groves and Greg Fredericks that everyone will enjoy meeting.  He may even golf with us.  I have scoured the globe (I'm not making that up!) to bring in a special guest each year for the past three years and all I could muster was Gary Black!  Maybe this year, I've struck gold.  Keep your fingers crossed; Coach will be floored to see him there.

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