Saturday, April 3, 2010

Announcing the Hall of Honor: The Pinnacle of Group Success

The ultimate honor for anyone in our group is getting their name on the Memorial Cup, especially if it's more than once!  But to make an honorary group even more special, I decided to celebrate participation from those of us who achieved All-American status, an American (or National) Record, or have been on an Olympic Team AND participated at one of our Tournament and Reunion Events.  The results of months of meticulous research (actually months of procrastination and 10 minutes of actually looking things up!) shows Steve Balkey is the penultimate Penn State Track and Field Alumni Golfer.  Congratulations Steve for being a multiple All-American and winning the Tournament twice!  The Hall of Honor (in alphabetical order):
  1. Beth Alford-Sullivan,  2004 Olympic Coach
  2. Steve Balkey, All-American (AA) 1987, 1988  Tournament Champion (TC) 2008, 2003
  3. Gary Black, TC  2009, 2007
  4. Greg Fredericks, AA 1970, 1971, 1972  American Record (AR) 1972, Olympic Team 1980
  5. Robert Gifford, TC  2006, 2005, 2002
  6. Harry Groves, Olympic Coach 1992
  7. Clark Haley, TC  2008, 2007, 2004, 2002
  8. Bob Hudson, AA 1985  AR  1986
  9. Teri Jordan,  Paralympic Coach 2004, AR
  10. Brian Laird,  TC  2008*, 2002
  11. Mike McCahill,  TC  2008, 2004
  12. Paul McLaughlin, AA 1983
  13. Paul Mundy,  TC  2009, 2005
  14. Ryan Olkowski,  AA 2002
  15. Mark Overheim, AA 1985  AR 1986
  16. Tom Rapp,  AA 1978,  TC  2003
  17. Alan Scharsu,  AA  1979, 1980
  18. Beth (Stever) Shisler,  AA  1984,  TC  2007
  19. Steve Shisler,  AR  1985, 1986
  20. Harry Smith,  TC  2007, 2003
  21. Bob Snyder,  AA  1978, 1979
  22. Don Ziter,  TC  2006, 2005
  23. Barry Robinson, AA 1985*
  24. Randy Moore, AA 1985, AR 1985*
  25. Chris Mills, AR 1985*
*  initially forgotten by careless web site editors, who have been sacked.

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