Friday, March 19, 2010

A Note From Us Old Curmudgeons

Artie Gilkes has finally entered the realm of blogging, possibly never to be the same again.  He will soon place prose here on the blog joining such immortals as Rob Whiteside, Clark Haley, and myself.  As the newly crowned  Director of Youth Development, I hope he can entice increasing numbers of recent graduates to our fold.  I'm hoping it can expand our Reunion and Golf Outing Universe in a big way.  The more, the merrier.

But please remember, us old guys will still continue to wear our pants too high, and we'll never quite understand Rap, texting and how to use the remote. We just won't.

We look forward to partnering with you to make Penn State Track and Field Alumni the most active and largest group of its kind in the world.

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