Saturday, March 20, 2010

An Oaf of Office

My political career ended immediately after being elected Student Council President at Dover High School in 1976.  I had run on a whim, coaxed on by my nerdy, intelligent friends.  They all joined me in various positions on The Tea Party ticket, (no kidding!).  Our "punny" choice of title gave us a huge advantage over the competition.  We were joined in our effort by those in the school who opted for "recreational drugs" as a lifestyle choice and giggled over their promotion of the T(HC) Party.  The opposition never had a chance!

After the election results were announced, I was immediately called to the Vice-Principle's office for a lecture about the evils of drug use and a mandate to clean up the problem at our school.  To this day he still thinks I was a drug-addled youth even though to this day I have yet to imbibe.  (Current events make me never say never!)

As a political statement and educational exercise, here's how America used to work, at least in the white-bread, Gerry Mather's world most of us grew up in!  Feel free to disagree, I'll still like you and bug you to golf with us!

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