Thursday, May 27, 2010

Are We Getting Younger?

It was a pleasure to see so many younger attendees at the Ninth Annual Harry Groves Golf Tournament and Reunion.  I have worked very hard at attracting those younger than myself and the normal gang.  I even risked identity theft by signing on to Facebook to better communicate with others!  I succeeded in getting 112 members on our Facebook site.  Others are encouraged to sign up also. ( I also made friends with several Ethiopian Princes wishing to share their inheritance with me, "so I got that going for me"!)

New golfing members included Dave Zeiters, Mike Enright, Chris Nirschel, Steve Walsh, Gregg Davis, Jess Riden, John Ziegler, Andrew Jenkins, Bradd DelMuto, Teri Jordan, Holden Smith, Dave Masgay, Phil Caraher, T J Crater, Drew Hardyk, Brian Mount, Fritz Spence, and Ted Lyon.

There was also a big contingent of non-golfing newcomers, who are welcomed with just as much fervor and hoopla!   Kay Warfel and Jeri Elder helped spread disinformation for Steve Walsh on the 10th tee, allowing him to insist he used a 6-iron to reach the green and win "closest to the pin".  Rebecca Donaghue and Artie Gilkes appeared between work-outs and races, no easy task for the two of them!  Tim Backenstose appeared and managed to keep his clothes on the whole time.  Judy Lynn Weaver came and didn't even need to keep times for the Alumni Run.  Teddy Quinn was also there. enlivening the crowd as is his gift.  I've missed a bunch I'm sure, and I apologize in advance.  I hope to see many more reunion members next year!

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