Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Record Weekend

  • Nick K. finally graces The Cup!  Well, as soon as Harry Smith (Keeper of the Cup) arranges for the engraving, which will be 2 weeks before next year's debacle.
  • The Hall of Honor grew by at least two this weekend.  Phil Caraher and Dave Masgay both golfed with us and, as All-Americans, qualify for induction into our prestigious wing.  If anyone knows of others I missed, let me know.  As an idiot officer, the emphasis is on idiot.
  • Harry Smith and Clark Haley report that we raised $4300 (after the matching funds of Harry's employer!). Thank you, thank you, thank you, everyone involved. Raising monies to give back to the program is our number two goal, the first being to honor Coach Groves. The months of worrying and anxiety for Clark and Harry gave way to euphoria at the end result.  Their hard work can't be minimized.
  • Steve Shisler just missed The Cup again.  But never fear Steve, your time will come.
  • Jess Riden won the First Annual Most Valuable Women Golfer Award, named for Kathy (Mills) Parker.  But leave it to this idiot, I forgot her prize at home.  She also won a collection of skin care products from Under Your Skin, which Beth Shisler also forgot to bring!  We'll both be in touch with Jess soon, and thank her and the entire PSU staff for participating with us this year in such spectacular fashion.
  • We booked more rooms at the Hampton Inn than ever before, and the staff went out of their way to thank us and invite us for more next year.
  • The Climb up Mt. Nittany went without a hitch, and there are many photos I'll share soon.  Greg Fredericks not only hosted the First Annual Alumni "Run" and the climb up Mt. Nittany, but also was The Keeper of the Golden Putter at the 18th green, (standing in the rain!). Greg, golfing would be easier!
More to come...

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