Monday, May 10, 2010

Last Minute Golf Advice

Actual, real certified golf  tips appear on the blog three times weekly, if you haven't noticed.  I also put my own golf tips for poor golfers on occasionally (to help you stay poor!).  But people still ask me constantly to help them with their golf game so they can join us in defoliating Central PA once yearly in May.  And I'm glad to help anyone with their game.  My advice has been instrumental in several engravings on the Memorial Cup.  My advice has always been to not worry how awful your game is; there is always someone next to you who is worse.  Embrace the suckiness of your game!  Remember, the worse you are, the lower the green fees are per shot.

But for those of you who really desire to improve your game, here's some golf tips from Clark Haley and Harry Smith.  I'm not sure which witch is which, (a Scooby Doo Reference on the blog for only the second time!).

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