Monday, June 14, 2010

A Visit to the Attic

A lot of junk has accumulated lately, so I stashed it all in the attic. It's about time we go up there and check it out.

I'm glad our money is in good hands in Washington DC!  I wouldn't want any of it wasted on things like bringing in a Hot Dog Chef who doesn't even bring his own ingredients, just sends a list for someone else to go to the Supermarket for him.

But at least eating hot dogs doesn't mean eating "lips and a$$holes" like Dan Akyroyd told us in The Great Outdoors.

Life in the Gaza Strip is terrible indeed, but these women find some normality by running a track meet amidst the violence and hardships.

Some say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but it may in fact be his nose!  Try driving by this without a hankering for animal flesh!  And wouldn't your home be improved by this! ( to sign up for the waiting list for the scented candle.)

And life isn't complete without a video to boost your day, so here's one wondering what the next Spill will be like!

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