Wednesday, June 16, 2010

"We're Going Streaking!"

Today finishes three years for my "Streak" of at least one continuous mile every day (12:00AM to 12:00AM) since returning from my latest knee surgery.  Such "accomplishments" are totally arbitrary, counter-productive and quite stupid, to say the least.  And yet I take great pleasure in reporting my idiocy anyway!  I can't run fast, I can't run far, but I CAN run a (pitiful) amount every day, (2.9 miles/day running and 2.9 miles/day on the elliptical in addition.)   Tomorrow, I'll think about starting the 4th year.

Some of the best parties our Old School track team ever had were held at John Ziegler's Apartment right across from Old Main.  It took me quite a while, but I finally found some old tape of one of those parties and converted it into digital goodness.  Here's John dressed up with a snazzy green hat, and Kelly O'Brien exhorting the crowd to join him for a late night run!  Ah, for those carefree days again.


  1. you may want to ask mark miller about streaking at parties

  2. Indeed I will. I'm after as many stories as possible. But nobody could possibly match the lifetime achievements of KKOB in that category, could they?


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