Monday, July 19, 2010

Joe the Plumber vs. Nobel Laureate Physicist: A Smackdown

This is only obliquely political, but mostly to illustrate my admonition to never underestimate someone by their appearance. (or how did Robby Andrews beat Andrew Wheating all those times this year?)

Joe Caldart, the plumber submitted plans for a containment cap for the BP oil spill 2 months ago.  He used his vast experience as a plumber to fashion his device which is a lot like a fire hydrant.  The ultimate device used is almost identical to the plans he submitted.

Secretary of Energy, Dr. Stephen Chu's team of experts ended up using a device fashioned by a schlub the rest of us calls in order to stop the flow of sewage into our back yard.  Dr. Chu wasn't even aware that the Oil Industry was under his jurisdiction when the leak "developed".

The Gulf can now begin the Recovery Process, which contrary to the opinions of some, will occur with relative speed as it did in the Mexican Spill that occurred in 1979.  And thank goodness, as my windmill car is not ready for production!


  1. Yes I'm a moron. Of course, I'm a College of Science Alum , Bio '76.

    Dude, I've been sending these links to Spanier and Easterling since it broke over a year ago. Keep up the pressure. I have no way of knowing, but I hope the pressure helps them to understand normal thinking.

  2. seen you at Ace's. keep up the good work.

  3. Bio '81 myself. Proud to say I'm both a moron and an idiot!


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