Sunday, July 18, 2010

Ten Questions: Todd Leggett

  1. What is your favorite Seinfeld episode? "King of my Domain"
  2. What was your favorite PSU class? Bowling
  3. What was your best PSU Track or XC performance? Javelin 238 feet....
  4. What is your best Coach Groves memory? Him catching and screaming at Valenti and myself returning at 1am at Penn Relays as we came back from the Cold Molsons party  (He gets extra credit for mentioning Cold Molsons!)*
  5. How many years did it take for you to graduate? 4
  6. What was your least favorite workout? It was running--now I like to run... (except he has not appeared at any of our Alumni runs at the ?Reunions!)*
  7. Do you get back to State College at all? Try to a few times a year...
  8. Boxers, Briefs or Commando? Briefs
  9. What exercising do you currently do? Running- about 15 miles a week
  10.  Which body part failed first? They all still work (he's obviously not paying real attention!)*
 Remember the rules:
1. Answer the 10 questions.
2. Pick a question to eliminate.
3. Pick a new question (pending blog officer's approval).
4. Pick the next victim.

* snide remarks were not originally in the rules, and are the views of no one in particular.

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