Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Day on the Bay with Captain Tim

Our international contingent of PSU Track Alumni Golfers spent the day in the capable hands of Captain Tim of the famed Yanomamo Tribe.  Cruising the northern reaches of the vast Chesapeake Bay in the renamed "Liberator" was remarkably enjoyable for even this landlubber.We lunched in Chesapeake City, noted for their intricate attention to the safety and well-being of all of their patrons!  "Slip into a slip, slip into the Tiki Bar, sip a few too many, slip onto the floor and get slipped back into your boat" seems to be the motto among the nautical set.  Not really much different from college, but the tuition must be far steeper!

Along for the ride with Tim Backenstose were "Ambassador" Jim Clelland, Cruise Comedian Larry Mangan, and  2 International Espionage Agents  (Gary "0013" Black and  Johannes "The Austrian").

We cruised back to home base at speeds exceeding 30 knots (or whatever Tim said!), so we could make it back to the Yanomamo Villiage Long House to view the PSU/Alabama Game.  We should have stayed at the Tiki Bar even though we were noted to be "older men" by the women still vertical at 3:00 PM. 

Here's two videos of our cruise:

1 comment:

  1. I hope you did not let Clelland navigate.



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