Thursday, September 9, 2010

PSU Track Alumni Hit the High Seas

A sizable contingent of Penn State Track Alumni Golfers will be hitting the High Seas this weekend.  Well, the Chesapeake Bay anyway.  Our three hour tour will be guided by Captain Tim Backenstose and his little buddy.  The motley collection of wanna-be pirates will be aboard the renamed "Yanomamo" craft refitted to accommodate those not among "The Fierce People".

My next of kin have been notified of my new will and my supply of Bonine is ready.  My training in the remedial swimming class at PSU 30 years ago will be of no help in the eventuality of a shipwreck.  I will depend on the professor for any hope of survival.  Neither Ginger nor Maryann will be along for the cruise. 

Although Barb and I once came upon Tina Louise and Joann Phlug during filming of 1980's "The Day the Women Got Even" (with Ed O'Neill)  in Central Park.  They were dressed up and sitting in a carriage and talked to us nicely for awhile before the Director called them back for filming.  I don't know how security missed us, but there were barricades everywhere else except where we were walking.  And this was just before John Lennon was shot right near where we were.  I suppose things have changed a lot since then...

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